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Friday, 15 November 2013

Gravity - A Genre Changing Masterpiece

Having awarded Gravity the highest rating I could (read my review here) and with it flourishing in Cinemas around the world, I thought it apt that I give my views on why Gravity has not only reinvented the popcorn thriller genre, but also why it is being viewed as a masterpiece.

I'll start off by saying that Gravity deserves to be seen in 3D, this coming from a film fan that has never advocated the use of this format.

The sheer depth, which is delivered by the 3D aspect, is stunning. It gives the viewer a real sense of zero gravity and actually seems to place you with the characters in their environment and surroundings. The camera floats seamlessly throughout space stations and alongside satellites, weaving effortlessly amongst objects and debris. It is visually a joy to witness such terrific filmmaking.

Coupled with the excellent 3D imagery are some beautiful shots of planet earth and our solar system. Each one designed so intricately that you not only get a feel for how incredible our surroundings are, but also how immensely terrifying the predicament at which the characters find themselves. The camera flows and pans so gracefully with long detailed shots that deliver some of the best cinematography seen this year. The opening scene alone is the best part of thirteen minutes long without a clear, visible edit.

Throughout the film, the sense of urgency, hope, horror, depression and desperation are all delivered so effectively that as a viewer, I literally went through each and every one myself. Each scene draws differing emotions from its audience and that is ultimately where Gravity excels. There are points at which you feel like hiding behind the person in front of you and there are times where you find your eyes filling with tears.

It is this emotional roller coaster that makes the film so gripping throughout. While watching, you are constantly unaware what you’ll be faced with next, and the outcome of the film itself is never clear or apparent. As the runtime lengthens, you find yourself increasingly invested in each of the characters and concerned about their wellbeing.

One of the main issues that I thought could hinder Gravity was the amount of time given over to each character back-story. Thankfully, throughout the film we never leave the main protagonists and instead discover all about them through some well-placed dialogue scenes. These are made effectively so that our empathy for the characters can be apparent, while not affecting the pacing of the film itself. Both Sandra Bullock and George Clooney give stellar performances and are completely believable in their roles.

One of the other triumphs of Gravity is the genre in which it dares place itself. The vast majority of Hollywood Oscar hopefuls tend to be bloated in length and centred on a sophisticated, stylised and often fashionable theme. They certainly are rarely ever popcorn thrill rides filled with suspense that last just ninety minutes.

With Gravity, Alfonso Cuarón has combined the successful elements of a classic popcorn thriller and implemented some incredible direction, narrative and vision to create this masterpiece. Having a film like this is almost alien at the Academy Awards but Gravity has reinvented the genre to create something not only technically remarkable but also extremely daring. It runs heartfelt narrative seamlessly alongside action sequences to create a ninety-minute thrill ride that is as beautiful to watch, as it is tense to endure.

Read my 5 word review of Gravity here


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